Conventional Orthodontics

Fixed metal braces is a commonly used method to align teeth properly, and consists of small brackets stuck on the teeth and an orthodontic wire connecting them. A consultation and X-rays are done beforehand to check the suitability of fixed brace treatment, and treatment is usually started after all adult teeth are present in the mouth. This usually lasts for 18-24 months depending on the severity of the problem, and will require patients to attend appointments from time to time to tighten or change the wires. After the braces are removed, a retainer is needed life-long to keep the teeth in position, as there is a risk of them relapsing without it. During treatment, food, plaque and bacteria can collect around the braces, causing gum disease and tooth decay. It is therefore important to maintain good oral hygiene via thorough brushing, specialized flossing and mouthwash.

Invisible Orthodontics

Clear teeth aligner is an alternative method to fixed metal braces in orthodontic treatment. It consists of a series of transparent trays that, when worn in sequence, serve to move teeth gradually into place. The aligners are worn daily and only removed when eating and drinking. A consultation and X-rays are done beforehand to assess the suitability for aligners. As with conventional braces, aligner treatment normally takes 12-24 months depending on the severity of the problem, and will require patients to attend appointments regularly to assess the progress of the treatment. With clear aligner treatment patients’ compliance is of utmost importance for achieving the desired results.

After the completion of any type of orthodontic treatments, a retainer is needed to prevent the teeth from relapsing.

Care of your teeth during orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatment makes daily caring of your teeth tricky. This is especially true for fixed orthodontics. More food and plaque will tend to accumulate around the teeth and brackets and the braces make their removal significantly harder. Patients will be taught how to clean their teeth effectively with the help of small interdental brushes. We also strongly encourage fixed braces patients to have their teeth cleaned by the dentists more regularly to prevent development of dental caries and gum diseases. For patients with high risks for tooth decay, Fluoride mouthwashes can also be an adjunct to their daily home care.