Cosmetic Dentistry

You don’t have to be movie star to have a Hollywood smile. A beautiful smile gives us confidence and boosts our self-esteem. A nice set of teeth can be achieved through simple teeth whitening, orthodontic realignment of teeth, porcelain veneers or full mouth rehabilitation. Every person is unique and so is every smile. With today’s advancement in dental technology, attaining a dazzling smile for you is no longer a dream but a reality.

Teeth Whitening / Bleaching

Teeth whitening/bleaching is a simple and harmless procedure to restore and effect the shine and brilliance in our teeth.

Dullness and yellowness in our teeth can be a result of years of use and the effect of possible stains from our food and drinks. It can also be natural intrinsic discolouration of our teeth due to various reasons. Teeth whitening is a very safe and viable option for most situations giving you the whiter teeth you desire. transforming them, instantly, into beautiful, natural looking pearlie whites that we have always dreamed of having. To some, it is instant orthodontics. This largely cosmetic procedure may also be therapeutic for chip teeth and worn dentition.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are often synonymous with Hollywood smiles. It is an extremely effective and conservative way of correcting misshapen, mildly misaligned and discoloured teeth,

Every situation requires a different form of treatment. After thorough assessment and investigation we can then formulate a unique treatment plan for our patients. Simulations of the final results can be done allowing for easier visualization of the outcome.

Direct Composite Bonding and Veneer

This is a good, fast and economical way to correct gaps between front teeth or misshapen front teeth. Composite resin material is used to reshape the teeth to close gaps or to change the shape and length of teeth to achieve the desired appearance. It is a single visit treatment and can be done immediately. This procedure is highly technique sensitive and require high skill level from the dentists. However if done well can be highly aesthetic and long lasting.