
Dentures commonly referred to as ‘false teeth’ are used for replacement of missing teeth that can be taken in and out of your mouth. Dentures are usually made of acrylic (plastic) or a combination of acrylic and metal. A denture may never feel exactly the same as your natural teeth and takes some getting used to. A good set of dentures helps you eat, speak, function and often improve your confidence in your appearance.

There are two main types of dentures: full and partial. Full dentures replace all of your teeth while partial dentures replace some of your teeth.

Read More About Denture Care

Crowns and Bridges

Crown and bridges are fixed prosthetic devices that are cemented onto existing teeth or implants, and can only be removed by a dentist.

What is a crown?

Crown also known as a ‘tooth cap’ is used to cover and protect the whole tooth for restoring strength of weakened tooth and restoring the tooth to its natural shape.
A crown is recommended for various reasons, such as:

  • To replace a large filling where limited tooth structure remains
  • To cover root canal treated tooth
  • To prevent weak tooth from fracturing
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To improve appearance and shape of tooth that is discoloured, misshaped or out of alignment

Learn more Construction of Crowns and Bridges

What is a bridge?

Bridge is used to replace missing teeth and is made up of two crowns anchored on teeth on either side of the gap.

Once a tooth is missing, it is important to replace it as soon as possible. This not only restores function of your bite and confidence in your appearance, it is also crucial in preventing remaining teeth from unwanted drifting and tilting due to the gap. Our teeth coexist and keep each other in a stable position. When a tooth is lost, the space tips the balance and teeth can move into space over time which may further compromise function and accessibility of cleaning.

Inlays and Onlays

These are indirect restorations that are custom made in the laboratories for the particular tooth or cavity. They can be tooth coloured or metal. They are stronger and tend to be longer lasting compared with immediate fillings done chair side in the dental clinic. They are usually done for larger cavities and weaker teeth to restore and reinforce them.