Preventive Dentistry

Caring for your teeth to keep them healthy can help you avoid cavities, gum diseases and more. That means regular check-up, dental screening x-rays, scaling and polishing, coupled with an effective home care routine like regular brushing and flossing.

As a practice we strongly believe in preventive dentistry and we focus on educating you about good home care regimes and showing you the best techniques to care for your teeth.


Missing tooth structure can be caused by dental cavities, tooth wear, trauma and developmental defects. Missing tooth structure can compromise aesthetics, lead to increased sensitivity and are spaces where bacteria can enter.

A filling is a common and safe way of repairing missing tooth structure and treating dental cavities. Generally, there are two types of fillings available:
Composite (Tooth Coloured) Fillings and Amalgam (Silver) Fillings. In our practice, we do predominantly tooth coloured fillings. Tooth coloured restorations have come a long way since their early days and many would now prefer them. These fillings hold remaining tooth structure together, preserving healthy tissue. This allows teeth to be safely and aesthetically restored achieving a more attractive smile.


Tooth extraction is a routine dental procedure that involves the removal of a tooth from the mouth.
Some reasons for extraction include:

  • Extensive tooth decay that is beyond repair
  • Loose teeth that are severely affected by gum disease
  • Impacted or problematic (wisdom) teeth
  • Making space for orthodontic treatment