Dental Implants

Dental implant is a small titanium screw surgically placed into the jaw bone that acts as an artificial root to create support for your new tooth (crown) or teeth (bridge). Dental implants can also be used as attachment or support for full dentures. The advantage of implants is that a strong bond is formed between the implant and the surrounding bone over several weeks or months (osteointegration), firmly anchoring them to ensure that you can eat and chew just as you would with your own natural teeth. Also, importantly implants are stand-alone and do not compromise the longevity of your remaining teeth.

Arrange an Implant consultation for your Missing Teeth

How is the treatment carried out?

  • Comprehensive exam – The dentist will thoroughly assess your mouth and teeth, the way you bite and the amount of bone remaining at the area for the implant. Dental X-rays and impression of your teeth and mouth will be taken for diagnostic and treatment planning purposes.
  • Surgical stage – A minor surgical procedure will be carried out to place the titanium screw into your jaw bone.
  • Restorative stage – After integration of the implants to bone, crown or bridges will be fabricated and screwed onto the implants to replace missing teeth.