Effects of Gum Disease on General Health

Periodontitis, also known as “gum disease”, is the chronic inflammation of the supporting structures of teeth, mainly gum and bone. According to the Singapore Health Survey 2003, it affects approximately 85% of the local population. Emerging evidence have associated gum disease with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, stroke and heart attack. Diabetes The relationship…

Crowns and Bridges

How are crown and bridges made? In order to fit a crown or bridge over a tooth, the tooth (or teeth) must be reduced in size so that the crown or bridge will fit properly. After reducing the tooth/teeth, an impression will be taken to produce an exact replica of the shape of the tooth.…

Dentures Care

How do dentures work? An impression of your mouth is taken to produce an exact replica of the tissue and teeth in your mouth. A dental technician will use the impression and custom-make a denture that fits well in your mouth. Depending on the complexity of each case, it may take up to 2 to…

Dental Caries

Dental caries Dental caries (also known as dental decay) is a process that affects tooth surfaces in the mouth where bacteria biofilm (dental plaque) is allowed to develop over a period of time. Diet plays a significant role in the carious process because bacteria are able to use dietary sugars (such as glucose and sucrose)…

Oral Hygiene

Gum and Teeth Health Gum and bone are the foundation of healthy teeth. Good oral hygiene is the key to maintaining healthy oral tissue. Effective brushing and flossing remove plaque, a film of bacteria that constantly forms on our teeth. The bacteria in plaque react with food producing acidic byproducts that attack teeth resulting in…